Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year

As you can tell I am not very good at blogging, however I would like for that to change as part of my New Years changes. I know most people don't keep up with them but I am willing to try. I have spent a lot of this past year stressing over things and I really feel like I am now ready to change that. Its only when YOU decide to stop allowing people, or things around you, to not stress you out that you can really change. I look back over the past year and if I could calculate the amount of time I spent worrying I think I would be ashamed. As a wife and mother there are better things I need to focus on. So enough about my pity party, how do you all need to change? What positive things would you like to see this next year? I would love to blog more, I love to write but with 3 kids and homeschool sometimes that is on the back burner but its truly my passion. Since I was a young girl all the way until young adulthood I would journal, its therapy too many. I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday and I pray that you have a AWESOME year!! Be safe and careful those who are traveling during this holiday season....Love to all~ Shelby

Friday, December 2, 2011


This past week my youngest has been feeling a little under the weather. Why is it that its the only time they are good? Its takes a cold and slight fever to get them to relax! I guess its their bodies way of telling them to chill out! I hate when my babies are sick. I will let them sleep in bed with me and put hubby on the couch, not that he minds because he gets to watch tv and stay up late to a quiet living room. I love the extra cuddle time with the kids, they grow up so fast. I was laying in bed thinking about how fast they are growing and I suddenly had this overwhelming feeling that one day this will all be over, I will not be able to cuddle them like this. They will eventually move out of my house, have their own families and children to cuddle with. It was quite scary, my whole life is my family and suddenly I had this feeling that one day when they are gone and its just me and their daddy what will I do? I know it may seem a little premature since I have many years still with them but, eventually, it will happen and I don't like it. I hope and pray that I can learn to enjoy and take every day minute to minute...It seems like we are always rushing to do the next thing and I want to try to slow it down a bit. My dad often tells me that he misses the "pitter patter" of the little feet running across the floor. I now can imagine what it must feel like. So with the holidays approaching and all the family activities going on I am going to try and learn how to relax and really appreciate the time we have. It goes so fast and I don't want to miss a thing!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankful Monday

I wanted to keep in the pattern of reminding myself of what I am thankful for, especially on Monday, since its the day most people dread because its the beginning of a long work week. The routine that often times makes people get grouchy. Just the whole mindset of "Monday Morning". So this Monday I am so thankful first for my family and our health, 2nd the roof over our head, 3rd the ability to be able to provide nice things for our family, and last but not least, having a reliable vehicle. I have been humbled lately by seeing, and knowing people who are in some sever times of need. I try to do whatever I can to help and its very humbling to see what we have and then look at another who can't even provide the bare needs for their family. Its heartbreaking really. We've come to a place in this world where so much is taken for granted and its a sad place to be. I am really trying to get our family on board with downsizing on some things. The things we want are not needs. I am hoping this holiday season I can teach my family these things and maybe we can help a family out who is in need. I have been cleaning out all the kids old clothes and putting them in bags to give away, I am going to work on the toys next. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new way of thinking for my family.

Simple Christmas

This time of year many people become very busy and VERY stressed, including me! It really is a dread at times but it always works out one way or another. I am CHOOSING this year to not let the stress get too me. What good does it do anyway? The number 1 issue that we deal with is whose house are we going too. For the past 15 years we have gone to my parents home and we really want to stay home Christmas morning, it would be nice to be able to relax and let the kids play. We also have the issue of when do you stop buying for all the "kids" when they are adults? Thats a hard one. How much money per person do you spend. There is ALWAYS someone in the family who puts a price tag on the gift and you feel pressured to get them an expensive one. It really makes the Holidays a "not so fun" time. I hate how it has become about how much we can get, how expensive the gifts, and people being plan ungrateful! So this year I told hubby we are relaxing, no rush to get to ANYONES house, no stress in buying all the "kids" gifts, what matters most is under our roof. I have always been the one who would put her needs on the back burner to please others and quite frankly I am just too tired to deal with that anymore. I want to do what I want and what works best for our family. So I have decided to be stress free this year! Its working pretty good so far! With all that being said I think that the kids and I will be making some home made gifts, we usually do this every year, however this year that may be the only gift for our extended family. Times are hard and nobody really has a ton of extra money and its the thought that counts, right? It is for us. I hope you all try to remain stress free too. I know its easier said then done, I just want a "Simple Christmas".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lessons for kids

I don't know about you but my kids LOVE to do crafts, anything that requires them sitting at our table with crayons, scissors or glue is their favorite! I love to do them as well. Its a nice time to talk with one another, teach them a lesson and just enjoy one anothers company. Since we are Home Schoolers I am always looking for some good sites that have a lot of good educational info. Below I am posting links to some of our favorites, at least for me as their teacher I have found that these sites are awesome....I hope you get a chance to check them out, they are great for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles or anyone thats looking for some easy teaching material and crafts. I love to spend the time with the kids, this time of year is especially nice to teach them the stories of Thanksgiving and the meaning of Christmas. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Morning.....

Is anyone out there a fan of Monday Mornings? I know I'm not! What is it with Monday that we all dread? Is is that its the beginning of what we "perceive" to be a busy week, another week with worries, bills, School, or just the repetition of it? Waking up to everyone complaining of how tired they are, they can't find their shoes, someones fighting, I need a cup of coffee, hubby can't find keys, and I am not even down the stairs yet! I think I need a new Monday Morning outlook. I think instead of dreading it like I do, I will come up with a reason I am thankful its Monday! So for this Monday morning I am thankful that my husband has a job that allows me to stay home with our kids and homeschool them and we are all healthy. Of course for future Mondays I am really going to dig deep and find other reasons then just the obvious, I think this is a good start though. What are YOU thankful for this Monday morning? Please share with us.....Thanks so much and I am very thankful that you have taken the time to read my blog :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yesterday was Veterans Day and I took the time to talk to my oldest about the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom, including relatives of our own. I tried to explain to the smaller ones but they were not too understanding and thats ok, in time they will learn too. I have the utmost respect for our Military and I will teach our family to have the same. I just want to tell anyone who maybe reads my blog, comes by my blog or whatever that I respect, honor and love each and everyone of you. My whole family does. Please be safe.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

2 16oz packages cream cheese
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup sugar
1/2tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
2 lg eggs
1 9inch graham cracker crust

Combine cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg together and cream. Add eggs and mix until well blended and add to the pie crust. Bake at 350 for 35-45 minutes. Cool and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight. Serve with Whipped topping....YUM-O
I made this for the residents at a Nursing Home I worked at and it was a HUGE hit!! Cheesecake and Pumpkin Pie are pretty rich deserts and mixed together they are awesome!! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Yesterday morning my husband and I were talking about some changes that were coming up at his job, hours are changing, on call schedules and all the things that annoy you. I was complaining and so was he and then I thought "We should just be thankful he has a job" so many people are without employment right now. I am so thankful for the many things we are blessed with. As I look around our house my family wants for NOTHING.....We have a nice home, food, tv, internet, movies, toys, and all the things that anyone would want. Not much to complain about is it? For some reason this time of year makes people more aware of what they are thankful for. Obviously we should be thankful every day all year long. As we go on our daily routines things do slip our minds, we do tend to take things for granted at times. We all do, its normal. I just wanted to share the reminder that I had and hope that as your month goes on that you too will be reminded of the simple things that you are thankful for. I am also very thankful for anyone who reads my blog.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I am so happy to be gaining some followers on my FB page "Retro Wifey". I have always loved to write, even as a kid I would carry paper in my pocket and write these silly stories and then make my sweet grandmom read them. I miss those days. I miss the days of innocence where nothing really mattered but what color pen I would use, or whose house would we walk too or what field would we meet at to play dodgeball. I've always wanted to go back in time to the 50s, my hubby and I always say we were born in the "Wrong Era". We are very traditional and thats nothing against those who aren't, this is just how we are and how we choose to raise our family. Its sad that today our kids can't even go outside without us watching them like a hawk. Its a scary world. Thats one of the reasons that I wanted to start a Facebook page about those days, I am a realist so I am not living in a fantasy world but it is fun to sit back and talk to others and dream about what it was like. As my grandmother would say "The good Ole days". I look forward to meeting lots of new friends and sharing ideas. I've already met so many on Facebook, I love that about the internet! Its so nice that people who would NEVER be given the chance too meet, can now! So awesome!! I hope you stop by and read my blog, I am just a wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend just like many of you trying to make the best of my life. I hope you join in and share some ideas as well!!

Retro Wifey

I love blogging and I really enjoy exchanging stories, tips, advice, recipes, pictures and anything else my cyber friends would like to share. I hope to blog at least 3 times a week. I hope you follow and I hope we can all get some ideas from one another that may help in our daily lives. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Bare with me as I build this blog. Thanks!